Do You Have Stress And You Don't Know It?

 Different people have very different reactions to stress. Usually, when you think about stress, you are probably thinking about psychological and emotional symptoms. Due to stress, people are often anxious, overwhelmed and tense. Stress isn't much fun. And there are still people who never seem to care and stressful things just bounce off of them.

Stress is a very interesting physiological and psychological reaction in the body. The reason some people feel stressed is due to the brain's neurochemical reactions when the body responds to an event. This causes tension and nervousness. Some people don't experience this stress at all and it can actually be stressful and don't know it. Sometimes the stress manifests itself physically rather than emotionally.

Physical reactions to stress

Do you have a headache, stomach ache or cold more often than your friends? These can actually be signs of stress. These stress symptoms can occur in addition to typical psychological symptoms, but they also appear without feeling anxiety or pressure. Stress is usually the culprit when there is no other known cause for these symptoms.

Stress headaches usually come in the form of tension headaches. When something stressful occurs, the brain can respond by swelling the blood vessels. This increases blood flow to help manage stress, but it can also cause headaches when nerves are affected. Chronic stress, whether you recognize it or not, often turns a tension headache into a migraine. Anyone who has ever had a migraine knows how weak it can be.

Gastrointestinal problems are another indicator of how your body responds to stress. Symptoms encountered can be anything from nausea and gas cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and even indigestion. Sometimes the body responds to stress by producing extra digestive acids. This can cause ingestion. Over time, this can lead to damage to the gastric mucosa and esophagus. Your body can slow down the passage of food through the stomach and constrict the colon, causing gas, bloating and abdominal cramps.

One of the worst stress reactions your body can cause is suppressing your own immune system. Decreased lymphocyte counts make it more sensitive to bacteria and germs. Stress doesn't directly cause cold symptoms, but it does make your body fight germs that easily. People who work in high-stress jobs are twice as likely to get sick than those with less stress in the workplace. This unique immune response can aggravate your allergy and contribute to the development of heart disease, increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Another very common symptom of stress that people sometimes overlook is sleep disturbance. You may have trouble falling asleep, sleeping or waking up to sleep badly. You may not feel comfortable at night and you just don't know why. Stress is actually the number one cause of sleep problems, so it is very likely that there are significant stressors in your life that you may not emotionally respond to or experience.

Stress management

It is impossible to live a completely stress-free life. Positive events can also be stressful, such as getting married or going on vacation. Again, everyone's body reacts differently. You need to focus on coping with stress. Stress is a harsh, physical reaction to stress that can literally wreak havoc on the body.

Here are 5 tips for healthy stress management:

Have some sort of daily routine: The routine provides stability, whether it's a morning routine or a daily workout.

Tell your friends about what's going on in your life or just write them down.

Try yoga or meditation techniques, make them part of your routine.

Maintain a healthy diet: The food you eat plays a surprisingly large role in how we feel and how our body behaves.

If you find that you are doing a lot of activities, try reducing the activity to one activity at a time, rather than multiple activities at a time.
